Crush – Tracy Wolff

Information about the Book

Genre: Paranormal Fantasy
Print Length: 733 pages

Publisher: Entangled Teen
Publication Date: 8/29/2020
Reading Age (my opinion): over 14


Crush, the second book in the Crave Series, is probably my favorite book right about now. Like Crave, it had been on my TBR list, and as soon as I finished Crave, I knew that I would have to read Crush, or my life of Paranormal Fantasy would most definitely be incomplete and I would never, EVER forgive myself. So, I noticed that this book builds a whole lot of angsty, steaming dramatic scenes, along with romance, thrilling action scenes, and also a whole lot of interestingly structured plot twists. Also, just a warning; if you haven’t read Crave yet, or if you’ve not read my book review about it, I suggest that you should go read that first, instead of looking at this book review, because some content might be spoiled for you if you haven’t read Crave yet.


So, Grace Foster (our wavy haired protagonist) had been stuck as a statue for about 3-4 months, and she had almost no recollection of what happened IN those past 4 months. Then, she tries to find her friends and teachers, who all look at her with shocked faces and she, however, has absolutely no idea about what happened, and she thought that she was just normally living her life.

One great part of the book was that it was written quite recently, and I loved how they connected songs and movies and books that were actually there at the time, so it gave Crush quite a modern feel, and every once in a while, I felt happy because I could relate to some of the movies or songs and music that they listened to or watched, so at least that was one thing that they had in common with me. 

I can’t begin to tell how much I adored Crush. I was kind of sad that Crave had ended, but then I remembered that it was a series, not a single book. Obviously then I did my happy dance and went to the local library to pick up the anticipated book. Frankly, even though I loved the entire series (I read Covet as well), I want a TV series or a movie for the books, so that I can actually see the people that I envisioned in my head for so long and finally let them go to the high expectations of my supernatural fantasy brain addiction.

I think the one thing that was missing in the book was that I didn’t get to know enough about the secondary characters, like Flint, Macy, and Jaxon. I feel that could’ve been a bit broader, for my understanding purposes, but I had almost no complaints as I strolled through the book while being in Grace’s POV. I would’ve also liked more interactive scenes with her and Jaxon, as I really loved that ship and wouldn’t have traded it for almost anything (except for, of course, Hudson…)

Like Crave, Crush was also a very cinematic, intriguing novel that I had the utmost fortune and pride to read (thank you, Tracy Wolff), and I couldn’t help but react to almost all of what I’d consider the best scenes in the entire novel. I was screeching like a vulture trying to capture roadkill. But…internally screeching.

Honestly, I think that some other lesser known paranormals were given much more light than they would’ve in different stories, like the Shadowhunter series, but I think that the Crave series would stand taller in that department (Cassie, pls don’t be mad at me).

Grace is now constantly asserting her well-earned dominance, fighting for what she believes might be right and telling people that they are wrong, and I think that’s what makes a strong, independent main character actually stand out from the rest. I’d also like to compare her really quick; in Twilight, Bella never really was an independent person, and she relied mostly on Edward to help her in situations. Meanwhile, Grace was, I have to admit, very strong and adamant, and for all the right reasons too. That’s probably why I lost interest in Twilight (I WILL READ IT THOUGH), and gained interest in Crave.

Ok so overall, this book was amazing! I’d give it a 10/10 rating because, well, the book’s just plain awesome, with paranormals doing regular stuff, protagonists stuck with their boyfriend’s annoying brother in their head, and relationships that strike in the most unexpected places. I beg of you to read this book, and I assure you, it won’t disappoint you in the slightest. Please read this book, and don’t make me feel like I’m the only one who’s read this book.

Thank you for reading my review of this wonderful book!

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