About Me <3

Hey There! Usually I’m really bad at introductions, but I guess that I should start with the most basic things: 

– My name is Gianna (I’m waving to you right now :D). 

– I live in the United States. 

– Music and passages from books constantly run through my head. Usually they’re excerpts from books that I’ve recently read, or lyrics from music I was recently listening to, but sometimes filter in things that I have not listened to or read in a long time.

– And…I love to read and listen to music…LOL

My Review Policy
Emailing Me
My Review Policy


This is a place where you can tell me what books I should review (I feel honored that you would come to me with such a thing)!

A small reminder: I only read a few specific genres, and below is the full policy of my reading limitations; however, if you do email me about such a book that doesn’t follow any of these restrictions, it will be pointless to even start composing the email, as I would not be that open to reading it. The only exception to this rule is that if multiple people ask me to do a review about the same book, I might read it.


The Review Policy:

– I review books that can be read by people from 5th grade and above (basically middle grade books and YA novels)

– I don’t always read mystery books (unless it’s a Sherlock Holmes novel or story- I love Arthur Conan Doyle’s writing style so much) 

– I don’t read non-fiction books a lot, but if there are ones that actually struck me as a interesting, I will read and review them. Unless the nonfiction books have mythology/science, or if they are memoirs like Fish in a Tree, or PIE, I may consider your offer 

– I accept books in PDF form, as long as they are (again) books that follow my reading policy 

– I don’t accept books that feature heavy language, truckload of violence, or heavy sexual content

– I can’t promise that I’ll review your book on the day or week that you send it on, because I might be getting more book reviews/recommendations that I’ll have to attend to first, but if you DO put in a specific time/day I should finish the review by, I’ll try my best to finish it at that deadline (If I don’t, assume I have schoolwork to do…

Emailing Me

When you email me about the book that you would like me to review about, please include the following things: 

– The Cover (it can be any published cover) 

– The Main Genre (if you’re unsure, just give a list of genres, and I’ll pick it out from one of those)

– The Print Length (it’s just the number of pages)

– The Publisher & The Publishing Date

– Your Rating of the Book you chose

I will feature all of those things in my review, and will rate this book honestly out of 5 stars. If I didn’t like your book recommendation, unfortunately, I will have to mention so, but I will try to the best of my abilities to find some good elements in the book.

To reach me, my email is [email protected]

Thank you for respecting my terms!